During the Fall semester of each year, Achieve Academy students focus on entrepreneurship. Each student develops a product or service they can use as their first business. These products and services become available online and at our Christmas Market we host each year. 80% of their fundraising is theirs to keep, and 20% goes to support student projects, goals and ideas as well as buying the necessary equipment to enhance their learning experience.
During this time parents, friends, and grandparents have the opportunity to support a (student led) business, by donating start-up costs, and/or purchasing the venture’s products or services.
The fundraising drive is a great opportunity for the community to support the school and students, but much more than that it is the beginnings of exposing young people to business operations that will critically impact their lives, and how they are able to interact and manage, socially and financially.
For more information on how to support this annual fundraising drive please contact us.
Cash App to support @$AchieveWR