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We have been overwhelmed by the interest and excitement expressed by children who want to learn how to write the right way.

We make them a guarantee, in 30 days you will achieve better writing!

As an educator for over twenty years, I understand that one of my responsibilities is to prepare America’s children for their future careers. Equipping through math, reading, science, and language arts, competent, well-educated citizens our country’s future. 

Inadequate education leaves colleges and corporations burdened with ill prepared, and unsuited individuals for the positions that await them. Unfortunately colleges and companies complain that the quality of candidates decreases year by year. Compared to students in other countries, we continue to underperform academically. 

The ability to write is a cornerstone of a quality education.

American students underperform in writing in every category.

So, what is the problem? Why are we falling behind? Why aren’t we preparing our students for the future?

“Three-quarters of students do not perform at a “proficient level” in writing”.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (2011)

To exacerbate the problem, virtual schooling has caused students to fall even further behind.

“The average student could begin the next school year having lost as much as a third of the expected progress from the previous year in reading” 

New York Times, June 2020

Students that were already behind, which are disproportionately children of color, suffered these setbacks more than other groups.

“The average student could fall seven months behind academically, while black students could experience ten months of loss and nine months for Latinos.”

McKinsey & Company, June 2020 

In middle and high school, English Language teachers often have 100 plus students to teach. This makes it impossible to spend time grading long essays or lengthy pieces of writing. So, they tend to assign short, “how do you feel” writing assignments, leaving students unprepared to write at the level they need to.

The solution is inexpensive, effective, and relatively easy.

The solution is writing.

Write more often. Writing longer. Writing with freedom of expression. Writing with feedback.

Yes, that’s it, expert after expert has said that what American students need is more opportunities to write. 

You can help get America’s students writing again, every day, with a purposeful and guided 30-day writing journal.

With your donation of $480, we can get 12 students on the road to writing, give them daily practice to increase their understanding, skill, and confidence.

We will specifically target those students that are at particular risk of falling further behind. Our community efforts will ensure that the needs of these students are prioritized.

Your funds will go directly to students that need our help to improve their writing.

Our campaign is simple, easy to use, can be just as effective in a virtual setting as an in-person setting, and best of all, it’s fun.

Many thanks to our current sponsors

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